Two Humus
The Humuhumunukunukuapua`a (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) is also known as the rectangular triggerfish or Hawaiian triggerfish. The humuhumu was adopted as the official Hawai'i State Fish in 1985 on a temporary basis and then again in 2006 on a permanent...
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Two Whales
The humpback whale migrates in the winter months to the warm waters of Hawai’i and is one of the most magnificent creatures in the ocean. They don’t actually have a hump on their back, the name comes from the large hump that forms when they...
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Three Dolphins
Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. They are found worldwide and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphins are among the most intelligent creatures and their often friendly appearance and seemingly...
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Humpback Whale Ornament
The humpback whale lives in the North Pacific and migrates in the winter months to the warm waters of Hawai’i. It is one of the most magnificent creatures in the seas. The Hawaiian humpback symbolizes peace, harmony and prosperity.While smaller in...
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Reef Triggerfish 'Humuhumu' Wall Decor
The Humuhumunukunukuapua`a (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) is also known as the rectangular triggerfish or Hawaiian triggerfish. The humuhumu was adopted as the official Hawai'i State Fish in 1985 on a temporary basis and then again...
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Reef Triggerfish - Ornament
The Humuhumunukunukuapua`a (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) is also known as the rectangular triggerfish or Hawaiian triggerfish. This little fellow's Hawaiian name means "fish with a nose like a pig". Due to its vibrant colors, the...
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Octopus He'e Wall Decor
The octopus, "he'e" in Hawaiian, is a shy animal. The he'e hides in undersea holes within lava and coral. It can change colors and squirt ink for defense when bothered. The average size of these creatures is one pound but can reach five or six...
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Underwater Ocean Scene - Deluxe Coral Wall Decor - Honu (Fins Down)
Deluxe coral scene featuring a turtle (honu), reef triggerfish (humuhumunukunukuapua'a) and octopus (he’e). The humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the official Hawai’i State Fish. Notable features of this scene include the intricate carving of...
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Turtle Top - Puzzle Box
The Hawaiian green sea turtle or honu, is an endangered species. It lives close to shore on all the Hawaiian Islands and is seen and enjoyed by thousands of divers and snorkelers.Originating from ancient Chinese secret lock boxes (as seen in the...
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Seahorse Decor - Two Seahorses Wall Decor - Aloha Wood Art
The Seahorse is seen as a symbol of patience and tranquility. These slow swimmers hover and glide from place to place and use their tails as anchors in stormy waters. They are fragile but persistent creatures. The seahorse is the only animal species on...
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Deluxe Coral (Turtle, Two Triggerfish & Seahorse)
Deluxe coral scene featuring two triggerfish, one turtle (honu) and a seahorse. Notable features include the intricate carving of the fan coral and wood burning on the coral and seahorse. This is one of the most intricate pieces in our collection...
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Humpback Whale - Puzzle Box
The humpback whale migrates in the winter months to the warm waters of Hawai’i and is one of the most magnificent creatures in the ocean. The humpback symbolizes peace, harmony and prosperity. Our humpback whale puzzle box is made with different...
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Polaris theme designed by epicShops